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 EMC400: 4 插槽鋁軌式網路光電轉換器機箱
EMC400產品亮點: - 鋁軌式安裝可快速簡易的安裝於機櫃中
- 可容納四台光電轉換器或乙太網路延伸器並支援熱插拔設計
- 提供雙電源備援輸入讓不同電力備援系統接入,例:一組電源由AC/DC電源供電,另一組由蓄電池組供應電源
- 提供過電流保護機制
- LED指示燈顯示電源輸入連結狀況
- 工作温度:0°C ~ 45°C
- 符合 CE/FCC/VCCI/RoHS 安規認證
EMC400支援備援雙電源模組輸入,適用於任何12VDC/30W電源供應器,客戶可選購包含電源供應器的產品組合。益網科技同時提供 12-bay 和 16-bay 機架式機箱產品 ,可應用於各種乙太網路解決方案,使您的網路專案規劃更具彈性。 |
 | Field-proven Reliability Hardened Ethernet equipment with superior reliability, long MBTF, redundant power support, wide operating temperature range, EDI, EMI, RFI and surge protection. |
 | Full Product Testing Our hardened products are required to pass stringent real-time data transfer testing at the temperature from -40° to +85°C for up to 72 hours without compromise. |
 | Customer-centered Services EtherWAN has a professional support crew, with domain know-how and hands-on experience working with system integrators and solution providers. |
© EtherWAN Systems, Inc. All rights Reserved. |